
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Jayanamaje they stood their execution order - street namo slave of Allah

Sign up today was their delaoyara Quran Sharif Hossain. The quarter was 11 at the court of cotton. Like the other day, he was calm and bright. After the verdict was announced. They listen carefully in a long time. The judge announced his moment of his death penalty. He was still calm and composed. Dhirasthirabhabe stood up. I say stick with it, Mr. ... The verdict of the court judges that violate their oath of evil. Shahbag some atheists, muratada young people and the government grant has been made to me at the bar. I'm not upset at the verdict ...
He did not say he was a supporter of the lawyer and broker eliminate the leaders of the killer. Muntasir Mamun, a group led by nasirauddina iusupha Bachchoo usrnkhala just like the men rush to his side. The gundara kick started.
Beginning in the police cell after bandhidera. Bichiye namaje stood there without leaving their jayanamaja Shop. A minimum of 10 minutes to get the chance to stay there. Namaje stand still when he came out of the Tribunal.
The judge does not have to say it is really speaking their mind. He does not tarahuro balate no. Waiting in the vicinity of the great rabera oli. The protest march in the streets of ... With fresh kill

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