
Saturday, December 22, 2012

Know About Serch Engeen Optimization


Category: Search engine optimization

An example can achieve this information.
Expect that when we publish a new post content in to server google crawler run her bot to take snap our content. Once someone search with this word google adjust the common word and does show result with this keyword. To get improvement in the google crawler you have to do following things.
  1. Set your page meta tag with keyword, description, title.
  2. Create high quality back link with your title word, meta keyword.
  3.   Always choose 3 best keyword for your domain. You can increase later once first 3 are in top position.
  4. Create bookmark, forum post, comment link, one way blog link and subscribe option for your site.
When you complete these work the domain will receive a lot of visitor that the amount has available in your targeted keyword. To be a professional search engine optimization provider try google webmaster tools for tracking your experience.
After your submission you will get important update of your site in the search engine. Now a days a lot of blogger trying google adsense but they did not know very good seo.
Without high power organic visitor google adsense program is defeated by invalid click and activity at a result most of account are going to disable. keep in mind google only caught your content & page link but never take it first posting in the search result appearing time. you have to get a lot of back link to increase your ranking on the search engine.


Categories & Subject

  • How to create sitemap, use of sitemap, submit to webmaster tools.
  • Use of feedburner, create feed, burn feed, user subscription.
  • Googe web master tools, website add & verify, tracking system.
  • Bing toolbox, sitemap submssion, data collection.
  • Website navigation, main menu, seo tips for menu, page linking.
  • Back link system, article submssion, directory submission, comment link.
  • Keyword & Meta tag, setup a tag, find tag into seo directory.
  • Advertising system, google adwords, bannaer impression.
  • How to create contact form, HTML & PHP based form.
  • Adsense approval & add placement tips.
Please note that All kind of transaction is final & non refundable. we can issue a refund if the condition make sense on our admin & customer service provider. therefor we are guaranteed that after this service you will earn a lot of money from different place on the web. some time we can give opportunity for our new customer.

You don’t need to contact us after payment has done. we will contact to you through your payment email. also you can always call us when you need any information regrading our service.

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